By Faraz Rasheed
The Programmer's Heaven C# School book covers the .NET framework and the C# language. Starting with the basics of the language, it goes on to cover object oriented programming techniques and a wide range of C# languages features including interfaces, exceptions and delegates. Later chapters cover practical topics including database access with ADO.NET, building Windows forms applications, multi-threading and asynchronous I/O. The final chapter covers new features in C# 2.0, including generics.
The book is divided into three progressive levels. In the first beginner stage we will be discussing the .Net Framework, C# Language Fundaments and Object Oriented Programming.
In the second intermediate section we will go into depth with Object Oriented constructs such as inheritance, polymorphism, abstract classes, interfaces, structures, enumerations and exceptions.
In the third and final advanced section we will delve into what is required to implement real world applications using C# with Base Libraries, focusing on topics such as Collections, Delegates, Events and Windows Programming with a number of controls, as well as Data Access with ADO.Net, Threads and Streams.